Omni Technology Systems Ltd.

Your partners in seamless Business Standards Integration. Mastering compliance, ensuring interoperability

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Navigate the World of Standards with Omni Technology Systems

At Omni we specialise in creating custom software solutions that meet rigorous international business standards. With a sharp focus on eInvoicing and compliance with EN 16931, we ensure your software not only meets today’s requirements but is also future-proofed against emerging regulations.

Why choose Omni?

  • Expertise and Experience: Led by a seasoned CEO with extensive experience in software systems design and standards compliance, our team brings proven methodologies and innovative solutions to every project
  • Commitment to Standards: As active participants in international and national standards committees, we don’t just follow standards – we help shape them
  • Customised Solutions: Whether you’re looking to integrate eInvoicing into your existing systems or develop new applications from scratch, we tailor our services to meet your specific needs

Compliance Consultation

Navigate complex regulations with our expert guidance


System Design & Integration

Leverage our technical expertise to design and implement systems that communicate seamlessly across borders


Training & Support

Ensure your team is up-to-date with the latest standards and technologies with our comprehensive training and guidance

Get started today, get in touch!